Friday, April 13, 2012

Want an easier life? Rent a Storage Unit Today!

Renting a storage unit makes an easier life?  You better believe it, here's my story and why I'm stickin' to it.  Rent a storage unit and have an easier life!
My entire life I would drive by a house with their garage door open and see a perfectly clean garage and roll my eyes.  I mean how on earth does a person have nothing but a car, a shovel and a broom in their garage?  You know I’m talking about, perfect white walls and no holiday decorations sticking out of storage containers.  Let’s be realistic, I thought everyone has to store SOMETHING in their garage!
But I was wrong, misguided, and mistaken!
It was not until I was hired into the storage industry that I realized those people with the perfect garages, they were renting HUGE storage units!  All those boxes with Christmas lights sticking out, extra bicycles and furniture, mine are in my garage and those brilliant people had their extra stuff in storage!  Why had I not been privy to this brilliant solution?  Was it a conspiracy?  Let’s face it my garage has been a long time struggle for me, and I never thought about storage.
I rented a storage unit.  And guess what?  I now, with no struggle, can park my car inside the garage AND open both doors.  There were many days in my past where I may have been able to get the car inside, but I would then be stuck inside the car, the doors couldn’t open!  But you know what is even better?  Those pesky closets that always tend to cause an avalanche when opened; the storage unit solved that problem also.
Storage makes life easier!
So my mission is to share this brilliant information with people all over the world, who may not realize that renting a storage space will make life easier!  So make your life easier, go rent a storage unit this weekend, and clean out that guest room, garage, back patio and the rest of the clutter in your house.  You will thank me later!

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